Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day two

Yes, its the second day of my love affair with virtual ink and paper. I woke up early this morning thinking about what I would write next. Something about the moon and its attraction to the earth and how that is a metaphor for love and lovers. And how, just because its called gravity, we don't have to take it too seriously. Then I ate some yogurt and went back to sleep.

I like thinking about gravity. I'm sitting here in my chair, in front of the computer and I can feel the weight of myself pushing down and the chair holding its own, squeezed between my butt and the floor. Sounds pretty serious but...not so.

Its overcast here today. No rain. But it looks like the sky is holding its breath, wondering whether it should dump a load or lay back today. The wind is picking up. I'm not sure what it is that it's picking up. It's too wet to pick up dirt. It rained like hell yesterday evening, on into the night.

I got it! Its lifting the leaves and the leaves are lifting the branches; the trunk stays still. Its so well-rooted into the earth.

I listened to a woman read something she had written. She spoke about underwater grasses, swaying to the rhythm of the water; bending this way and that while the roots, hidden, did a wonderful job of keeping the grass from being carried away.

I think I will play today. Its always an option although I forget this most of the time, being a serious adult and all.

I am already playing actually. It started with breakfast: brown rice and buckwheat groats with salt and olive oil sprinkled on the top after cooking. I can't say that I have ever had that combination before. I am not a strict health nut. Supper was pepperoni pizza. But I have noticed that I feel much better with a simple diet that I allow myself to stray from when I so get the desire. I eat rice and beans almost every day. If you put some Parmesan cheese on top, it transforms it into an exotic dish that the taste buds get all wet about, before the first bite.

English is a good language. (I know, I jumped ship on the last subject and started a new one without any kind of tie-in, any transitional phrase that makes for a smooth segue into the new topic. Don't do that, okay? It's disturbing! Ha! If I was going to do this correctly, I would say something like this: "The tongue rolls and slides around the mouth and lolls with the sheer happiness only a wet tongue can relish. Did you ever notice that speaking the English language provides the tongue with the same kind of experience?" And there you have it!)

Mom is asleep. My brother is in the basement chatting with his wife, who just received her visa to come here. Oh my gosh! Is she happy! China is such a damn site far from the U.S. Did you know that the Chinese are a lot like Afro Americans? Yes, its true. And also like Germans, and Irish and Latinos and Italians. They can all be lumped together you know! Its okay. Try it. But don't forget to include yourself.

Well, its that time again. Time to stop posting and get on with other things in my life. I think I will start with a pee. What's that, fingers? Oh, you have something you want to add? Okay! (Jeez! Johnny-come-late!)

"Life goes on."

Huh? That's all?


What's that about?

"Nothing special."

See, that's why my brain doesn't let my fingers be in charge. They always want to type something cryptic or vague or something that makes no sense, no how.


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